Chapter 10
Banding together
The days at the beach faded into each other. The first few days were
filled with all manner of activities most of them not related to music. Kim and
D.C. went exploring, soon joined by Cray who found their adventure stories in
the evening to tempting to resist, after an episode involving a ravine, several
thorn bushes and a rather lively but well hidden creek, his enthusiasm was
dampened a bit. Things got better when Sam was considering if it wouldn’t be a
good idea to go out to some of the more promising places out there to stake out
‘retreats’ as she called it so that anyone who was in need of some privacy or
just need a bit of silence could go there for a while. Kim and D.C. would tell
them about the most promising spots. Sam would follow their lead to inspect the
area. On her return she would sit down with Cray and Darius to work out how to
turn the spot into a proper retreat.
Turner would sometimes just watch the others or join one of the parties.
While he enjoyed exploring, he soon found that helping to establish little
islands of civilisation with the others somehow felt incredibly fulfilling. The
started out as places that were cleared of vegetation, with a fireplace and out
sight and smell a discreetly hidden toilet but after a while the ambitions
grew. When the first two weeks had almost passed, the group only noticed it
when the Road Monster, as they had started to call Jörmungandr, started
complaining about the fuel reserves.
Cray and Darius had come up with some rather ambitious plans that would
improve the general quality of life at the camp even further. They had also
been working on ways of making the fuel last longer, surprising Adrian with
with plans of how to implement their ideas. He was about to give them a reality
check but then though better of it. This was a once in a life time chance. He
was pretty sure that this was closer to once in a generation’s chance, so he
might as well go crazy with it.
There was another reason to let them do as they wanted. Darius when he
first met him appeared at first to be a jolly old man who had lived a full life
now relaxing during his retirement. As he got to know him better he saw that
beyond that positive shell a bitter old man was hiding. From Darius point of
view life was almost over , looking back at his life he saw many achievements.
These achievements though had failed to come together in any meaningful way,
while the world around him had moved on.
Cray looked like a slightly eccentric loner. He may be a bit nervous
around women he did not know yet, but apart from that he was that aloof visionary
who stood above the concerns of mortals. Again as Turner came to know him
better he recognised Cray for the person he actually was. Cray was actually a
warm loving guy. It was this openness that had led him to much woe leaving him
behind confused. His love for tinkering with his keyboards had always been a
strong force in his life became his emotional hiding place as time passed.
Now these two men had bonded over their crazy plan. The insisted that
their plan was visionary. Giving them both something that they were missing
without knowing. For Darius it meant that he could bring together all his wild
knowledge no only to build and expand on it but also to bring it together in a
way that it actually helped people. People who appreciated his work. Everyone
had started calling him ‘mother’ after a short time, a nickname that had stuck.
Cray on the other hand had found someone that shared his enthusiasm for
coming up with wild new constructions. Someone that was as happy to have him
around as he was. It was quite impressive how much that helped Cray getting
back on his feet. One could watch him become more confident. It also showed in
his music. In the first days when they played to each other the kinds of music
they liked, Cray had always made some wordy introductions explaining why what
he was about to play was worth listening too. It was so intricate that it felt
somehow apologetic. By now he just gave a short intro, pointing out the bits he
felt were the most impressive and went to town. The shift of attitude was to
late though of saving him from his new nick name ‘King Cray’. Turner had been
slightly worried about him then thinking that this might set him back. It
didn’t. The next time he played he did it on top of Jörmungandr wearing a red
towel as cape.
Instead of changing the scope of the plans of Darius and Cray to a more
realistic level Adrian decided to let them go ahead. As he told them to just go
get what ever they need the two men in front of him looked like two kids that
just got away with murder of a cookie jar. They almost ran to the Road Monster
uncoupling the middle section that housed the main tank, hastily driving away
in case Adrian’S sanity returned form its lunch break.
The others were much less of a problem. Kim and D.C. had found each
other balancing the other out nicely. Discovering that their relationship was
purely platonic had surprised Adrian. In hindsight he thought that it was the
most natural thing in the world. They were close to the platonic ideal of a
brother and a sister. It took some getting used to that they seemed to be
constantly quibbling but it was always in good humour. Turner also learnt to
appreciate how a topic would be left deeply explored and throughly exhausted
after Kim and D.C. were done with it. He also found a lot of creativity hidden
in their constant arguments, veering off into the wildest tangents. This
probably explained why their music was always such a joy to listen to. When
ever Kim and D.C. jammed together it was like exploring an alien world using
sound alone.
That pretty much left only Sam. The most relaxed, uncomplicated person
in the group, but also the one that was the most difficult to really know. She
was like a mirror image of Cray. She was sociable, easy going, always ready to
take part in a conversation. Yet in the end she remained outside. She was more
an ally than a friend. Very polite,
very professional, very interested but never close.
The only time she seemed to be just herself was when she was making
music. Even then she left the others behind letting her music do the talking.
She and Turner had talked a lot so Turner understood her on a rational level.
Sam did speak freely of herself and her life however she could do even that in
a way that maintained a polite distance. As he was starting to worry he
discovered that in the evening when they were playing music after dinner, Sam
started getting caught up in the music of the others. After the introduction of
everyones favourite style she was the one that was most requested to help along
with a song because she brought the beat. One time when Adrian was feeling like
a bit of noodling he had invited Sam to provide some rhythm. She stared, Turner
followed and then suddenly for just one moment Adrian felt Sam. She was right
there inside her music. That evening Turner stopped worrying. He knew that Sam
was there with them, in time everyone else would get to know her through her
Kim was the one that had come closest to her. She still insisted in
calling her ‘sister’ despite Sam’s regular protestations. Kim was once one knew
what to look for a very caring person. It was just a gruff kind of affection.
Cray once had called her a loving bulldozer. A comment that let to Kim chasing
him all over the campsite to give him a a hail storm of smacks over the head
leaving the others howling with laughter.
* * *
Still no band though.
While after their days of exploring,
chilling, meditating or working with their instruments they often came together
to show of their style, often with the help of others so far they never had
played as one single group. There were some differences in taste. That much had
to be expected. It did not explain why they never had tried to play as a band
instead of a group of individuals.
During the first ten or so days
Turner did not mind. He did not even notice truth be told. It took some time
for him to notice that there was something slightly off. Only during the end of
their third week, among the constructive chaos of Daruis’s and Cray’s big haul
did he notice what was missing. They were doing everything apart from what they
were supposed to be doing.
A couple of days later, he was
wiping the sweat from his brow after an especially hard morning of dragging
around large planks of wood to help lay the foundations of Escape Space One, a
long cabin built as one of the most ambitious retreats, Turner realised that he
wasn’t doing his job either. He was waiting for the others to come around. To
let things sort themselves out. That wasn’t happening though and he was not
doing anything to find out why or how to get the ball rolling again.
He was lost in thought returning to
the beach. Darius was walking next to him in silence lost in his own thoughts.
Adrian felt that what they had here was something beautiful, he wished that it
could go on forever. He was surrounded by people he liked. Every day he had
been here he had been wonderfully lazy, sleeping right past midday then walking
down to the sea coffee in hand ocean breeze ruffling his hair. Every day he had
been more constructive than any one month before his new deal with the devil.
He had been playing guitar… No he had improved his guitar playing. Learnt new
tricks. He had listened to the others music assimilating it. But there was more
he was absorbing the technical knowledge of the others too. Building things. It
was glorious.
However. This was not what he should
be doing.
It did help with the quest. Yes.
They were now reaching a point
though, were the goal was slowly drifting out of sight.
“Don’t you wish this could go on
forever?” Turner asked Darius.
The old man made a deep rumbling
noise that Turner had learnt meant that he was content. “That would be nice,
wouldn’t it?”
“Yeah…” Adrian exhaled. “There is a
‘but’ coming, right?”
“But,” said Darius, “this can’t last
forever it never does.”
“I’ve got enough money to keep us
going for a long time.” said Turner, although he was not sure how long Lucifer
would let him get away with this.
“That’ll make it last longer. It
still won’t last forever. These perfect moments in life were all things seem to
fit perfectly, they are precious. They are precious because they are so rare.”
“It could last for quite a while.
We’ve got a good group together.”
Darius nodded. “Yes. But that will
only make it worse.”
“How’s that worse?”
“Because with a group that gets
along well, you are right, it could go on for a long time. But you know what
effect it will have?”
“No.” said Turner, more because he
did not want to keep on thinking in that direction and less because he had not
thought of it during one of his moments of quiet doubt.
“Sooner or later we’ll get used to
it. Without anyone noticing it one little step at a time we all will forget how
lucky we are. THat is the moment when people open themselves up again for
trouble and trouble will sniff us out then and it will find us. It will be to
late before we notice it.” Darius had a far away look on his face. He was not
talking about the things that would come, he was looking into the past,
speaking out loud what he was seeing there. “The funny thing. The thing that
will turn the knife in your heart will be the moment after all those great
things lie behind you in ruin, is that you will only then realise that it never
stopped being wonderful. It was you and your friends who forgot how great the
things you had were.” Darius gaze returned into the present, looking at Darius,
“It’s just human nature. I once read that in our brains we are all addicts.
When we get the good stuff we get use to it. After the while the buzz isn’T
good enough anymore. Once you take it away the withdrawal kicks in.” a smile
slowly dawned on Darius’s face. “Don’t worry Adrian. We’re just enjoying the
good times for a moment. We earned that. Just look at poor little Will. The day
I met him he was more shadow than man and now look at him. King Cray.” Darius
shook his head his smile now a beaming grin, “Crazy bastard. No. We all need
this. We need a place were we can find the things that are important again.
Some of us have to learn that it is OK to do what you love. That at least here
there is no one to tell you that you are some little shit for chasing after
your silly little dreams.” Darius eyes unfocused again but now they were
peering into the future. He was still smiling while he did. For some reason
Adrian was incredibly relieved to see that.
The walked for a little while both
lost in thought again.
“Adrian. We will be fine. You have
your plan, our quest. When the time comes you’ll be there to keep us going.”
“But what if…” Adrian did not get
any further.
“I trust you. Don’t think for a
moment than even one of us would be here if we did not have faith in you. We
all trust you. It’s time that you started to trust you too.”
* * *
After the
conversation with Darius Turner had become more quiet. He did not retreat he
just took more time to observe things. Learning how the other people around him
ticked on a basic level. He also had become more introspective following the
advice the old roadie had given him he now was not looking for his faults,
those he knew perfectly well, instead he was searching for his qualities.
Looking at the things he did well and listening to the opinion of the others he
was surprised to learn that he did have a few rather decent qualities. They had
been there pretty much in plain sight all along while he was to distracted by
his own failings to notice let alone cultivate them.
So he started to work on his
strengths for a change.
It was at least six weeks since they
had arrived at the beach. Turner sat next to the burnt out campfire tuning his
guitar to the smell of burnt wood, coffee and bacon, seasons with a pinch of
sea air when he noticed Kim walking around the beach, kicking up sand every
once in a while. There was something strange about that.
Looking around he saw Cray carrying
a pile of electronic boards out from the Road Monster to his out doors
workshop, were he could do his soldering magic with ocean in his view.
D.C. was sitting inside of the bus
looking out of the window, head resting against the glass, lost in thought. For
a moment Adrian thought about taking a photo to make a large poster out of it.
He felt that this was a picture that belonged into a gallery. He pushed that
thought aside. It was distracting him.
Sam was lying on the beach looking
up into the blue sky, mouth open, lips formed into an O, softly slapping her
cheeks to make percussive noises.
The people around him were growing
bored. Well everyone except Cray who had enough plans for new keyboards,
retreat gadgets and instruments to keep him busy for the next two or three
thousand years. When Darius had told him that he trusted him, Adrian had harboured
some doubts. Now he knew that the old veteran had been right. Turner was now
aware that this was the point where he got things going or everything would
start to fall apart.
* * *
“You know what?” Adrian said between
bites during dinner. “You’ve all been working on your music the past weeks and
somehow I’ve not paid you enough attention. I was to busy noddling myself.”
“But you were listening to us
playing the whole time.” Cray shrugged.
“Yeah. But when was the last time I
played with anyone of you?”
“We did some cool stuff together
like” D.C. paused for a moment slowly chewing his chicken curry, “a week ago?
Was pretty good too. And after that you had that crazy improv with Cray. That
was… different…” seeing that Cray looked slightly offended he hastened to add:
“in a good way! Different in a good way.”
“Granted.” Tuner said, “but that’s
not what I meant. I was playing more along side with you, or you were giving
backup for my newest flash of what I tend to confuse with brilliance. What I
mean is I’d like to play some music where we build our music together. You know
what I mean?”
“Sure.” Sam said. “If you want I’ll
join you tonight. I have some rather catchy beats in my head that need to get
out and I think that they will suit your style.”
“OK you and me can have a go at it.”
Turner said smiling inwardly because he had laid a trap, with a little help of
Darius who now was finding his Curry very amusing judging from his expression.
Sam had been so kind to walk right in acting as bait. The others did not know
it yet but they already were caught in Turner’s diabolical net.
Sam started out slow, steady,
precise. Right now she was playing like a metronome, Turner knew that this was
what Sam usually did to provide a solid foundation for the others to ease into.
He was not planning to get lost in his own music tonight so he followed Sam’s
lead playing a strong rhythm on top of it. He had learnt a lot about the right
groove from Kim, he also knew how Sam played when she was on her own following
her own whims. So when he started pushing in variations there were all
following the style that Sam liked to play for herself. Maybe he was subtle and
clever, maybe Sam was happy to let her self go a bit. The important thing was
that she did. It did not take long until they were squarely in Sam-beat
territory. Now Turner could slip back into his own usual style as guided by the
deep powerful percussion.
So far so good. The others were all
paying close attention tapping fingers or feet or nodding their head or in case
of Cray doing full body undulations. Cray called it ‘doing the anemone’ which
he only did when he was joying himself so much that he stopped given a toss
about what others may think, indulging his silly side. Darius did not miss a
beat either. He had quietly retreated to Jörmungandr after the show had
started. He had gone to his little control cabinet, from where he could manage
the several open air stage functions of the bus. He had step by step changed
the lighting so that now Sam and Adrian where brightly lit while the others
were sitting in twilight. A cheap trick which still managed to divide the open
space the others were sitting in into a stage and into a zone for the audience.
It was a happy coincidence, carefully arranged by him, Adrian and an unwitting
D.C. that tonight all the stacks had been built into a wall of amps and
speakers on one side of the circle.
Adrian shifted more and more into
playing a melody, leaving open a hole where his rhythm had been before. This
was a critical point. If he over did it his plan might fall apart. Looking at
Kim though he knew that his worries were unfounded. The bassist was looking
restless now. She felt the lack of the low frequency soul of the music. It was
clear that it was driving her nuts.
“Hey Kim!” Turner called out, “Would
you mind joying us? I think we are missing some essential groove here.”
Kim jumped up walked straight to her
six string monster bass, the others had started calling ‘the chopping board’,
plugging it into the largest bass-stack behind them. She stared playing before
turning around to walk back to Sam and Adrian. As she did, Darius slowly
brightened the light that highlighted Kim’s part of the stage. If anyone
noticed no one seemed to mind.
Kim’s bass and Sam’s percussion
intertwined instantly. Adrian carefully shifted out of his style again back
into something that was more like Kim’s preferred style. Had he had a free hand
he would have patted himself on the back. The transition was seamless. Kim and
Sam had always worked well together they were also the ones who were best with
working in the others style. Now Turner had woven their styles together. The
result was incredibly catchy, he almost forgot to play along as he was caught
in the groove part of him just wanting to dance the other to open his mind to
the sound to listen to it with his full attention.
He gritted his teeth. Kept on
playing. Once he felt that this new thing was stable he slowly integrated his
own sound back into the mix. The two women adapted to it before Adrian was even
sure in which direction he wanted to go to. He was not the only one who had
been analysing the style of the others. It did not take long that Adrian had to
fight back. Kim’s six string went high enough to intrude into the melodic
part’s that Turner intended to play. Now Kim was copying his style working her
own style over it, while Sam reinforced what Kim was playing. They were pushing
him out of the song.
It was a challenge that he took head
on. While improvising he had to consider at the same time how Kim or Sam were
going to counter what he was playing. He noticed that he had gotten lost into
the music himself when he heard D.C. and Cray cheer when the music reached a
climax in a moment were all the styles had blended into something greater.
Turner was smiling with his face, his heart his soul.
“D.C.” Adrian called out, “I’m
getting my ass kicked here. Come and help me!”
Were Kim had almost run, D.C. was
slow. Very Slow. Standing up. Stretching. Getting rid from the sand of his
clothes. Carefully selecting the right guitar. Checking the tuning. Fiddling
with the settings of his favourite amp. Only then did he look Adrian in the eye
making a ‘you and me both gesture’ with his index finger.
What followed was a deep aggressive
growl of a chord. The music before had been a jungle of sounds, now the tiger
was awake. What D.C. was playing was heavy and intense. Sam instantly switched
to a much lower pace. Kim mouthed a ‘traitor’ in her direction, moving closer
to Adrian indicating with her head that they were now allies. Instead of
matching the slow powerful lead of Sam and D.C., she pushed in the distortion
into her sound speeding up. Still in perfect sync with Sam’s beat, but where
Sam played one thundering thump, Kim played twelve. Adrian followed her with
his own melody, adding some percussive elements into it.
Now they had basically two songs.
One slow and powerful, the other roaring fast and aggressive.
It worked well, but they were slowly
reaching the end end of what could be done with it. Soon they would have to
switch to something different. It would be hard to do it without breaking the
flow of the music.
“Cray!” Adrian shouted.
“Cray!” called D.C.
“Cray!” Kim joined.
Soon the four playing were shouting
Cray’s name over and over. The keyboarded got up, arms apart, graciously giving
into their demand. Instead of walking into the stage of light, he left into the
night. Leaving the others slightly bewildered. He returned moments later
though, his red towel cape waving behind him. King Cray had arrived.
Despite the theatrics he was the
most pragmatic in joining the music. He simply turned on his equipment and
started playing. His left hand playing the low notes complimenting Sam and D.C.
his right the higher notes corresponding to Kim and Adrian. Once he had them
both he started moving into the middle opening new sonic ground for the others
to explore. They did not even notice that now all the lights that were still
burning were the ones illuminating their virtual stage. Surrounded by darkness
the played the best music they played together getting lost in the magic of the
None of them remembered when it
ended. The first to wake up was Darius who said that he had fallen asleep when
they were all still playing. He remembered that it was already getting light
but that the sun had not yet risen. He had dreamt of a gigantic rock concert
where they had played in a sea of people stretching into infinity into every
direction. The next thing he remembered was waking up with the others sleeping
on the spots they had been playing, with their instruments held close.
“It’s hard to believe,” said Turner,
“but that was the first time we have all played together as a band.”
“No way.” said Cray. “We’ve been
playing together since pretty much day one.”
“Really?” asked Turner “When was the
last time when we all played together.”
“Now that you mention it…” Sam said.
“I think you are right. We always had someone in the audience.”
“And,” added D.C. “it was the first
time we all played what we wanted instead of following the lead of someone
“I don’t know about you guys,” said
Kim “but yesterday while playing I had the greatest motherfucking sonic orgasm
“er…” said Cray.
“What a strange way to put it.” said
“Oh come on. It was good for you
too!” declared Kim.
“Granted. I’d said that it was
deeply spiritual though.”
“Hippie…” said Kim
“I don’t care how you call it, but I
would certainly not mind to do that again.” said Cray “Often.”
D.C. just grinned.
“We’re a band.” Adrian said, “We not
only can do that again. We are actually supposed to do it again. All the time.
Long and hard.”
“Now that is the fucking spirit!”
said Kim.
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