(Chapter 4 continued)
“It’s time to take a break”, Walter said.
“Just a little bit longer”, Cara said, trying out a new variation of Closed Fist to Wide Open Wing, back to a Closed Fist move. It almost worked but wasn’t quite there.
“Go with your flow until you find the end of your move. But time is running away.”
“OK”, Cara said, only slowly becoming aware of her surroundings again. She had no idea how late it was but the stars above were shining and a waxing moon as standing proudly in the sky. “What time is it anyway?”, Cara asked.
“High time for dinner”, Walter said.
It took Cara a while to wind down. Whenever she thought that she had a move nailed down she discovered many new variations, tiny details that changed their dynamic and flow. What brought her completely back to the damp cold of the night was master Walter’s face.
“Am I doing something wrong?”, she asked him.
Walter, who had been looking through her, refocused his gaze on her, his eyes clear again, however his brow remained knitted, his head hanging slightly.
“You don’t look happy”, Cara said, the heat crawling up her cheeks again. “If I moved wrong you should have just told me. It’s OK. I have no talent, I know that. So you can just tell me and I will do my best to improve.” Now her head also sank a bit, “even if it takes me a long time.” She raised her head again, looking Walter straight in the eyes. “But I’ll get there eventually.”
The furrows in Walter’s face just grew deeper, but a small smile started to grow in that harsh soil. A reaction that confused Cara even more.
“Even if it takes me all the years. I’ll get there”, Cara said. Her heart was now thumping loudly in her chest. She wanted to show her dedication, without appearing like she didn’t know her station though.
“Cara”, Walter said, his voice warm, deeply coloured by his smile. “You are a great student. And never mention the ‘t’ word in my presence.”
“’Talent’, it’s mostly bullshit,” before Cara could protest, he raised a hand to stop her, “and where it isn’t, it´s at a level were it doesn’t matter that much anymore; at least not for us mere mortals. Understanding. That’s important. Work. That’s important. The joy of moving with your sword. The rush you feel when a technique clicks. The first time you are in a combat situation and you realise what is happening around you. The love for the art. That. That is important, that is what will make you great. That is the path.”
Cara just blinked.
“You do understand what I show you, you work with it…”, his smile turned and slowly grew throughout his face, reaching his eyes, smoothing his brow. “Watching you discover your way along the path is a joy.”
“But…”, Cara said, it took her significant amounts of courage to keep talking. “You looked sad…”, she looked at her feet.
Walter laughed softly.
“I am a bit sad. We are running out of time and there is so much more that I would like to teach you. One day is not nearly enough…” His smile faded a bit but never quite left his face. “Also, this is not my job, it’s Nat´s. She’s earned this.” Walter pressed his lips together, leading to a slightly more aggressive kind of smile. “It’s also high time that she finally does this.” His expression relaxed again. “Still, I wish we’d have more time, a few days perhaps. But come, it’s time for dinner.”
A little while later they were downstairs again, another large bowl of stew in front of Cara. As Cara was eating, her mind still flashing back to the moves she had discovered today, coming up with new ways of how to move, Walter put an e-book next to her bowl.
“Here, take this with you”, Walter said.
“What is that?”, Cara asked.
“A library. It’s nothing special, but in there you will find the main sources of the Liechtenauer School, some of the better commentaries and interpretations, but most importantly if contains Roland Wessex Goldman’s “Principles of Martial Animus”. I don’t agree with all Wessex Goldman says and for my taste his view on the topic is still too mechanical. But it will help you understand Animus better.”
“I can’t accept this”, Cara said. Marvelling at the device in front of her, it had obviously been hacked and heavily modified. It had been broken open, the large display detachable so that it was easy to hold while most of the internals had been put in a bulky base station holding a large battery and a fold out solar foil. It was covered in leather, the corners were reinforced with leather too, with a large front cover to protect the sensitive skin. As she opened it, she discovered a simple screen inside the cover, as well as a fold out mechanical keyboard.
“I certainly can’t accept this”, she said.
“Well I’m glad that it’s not your choice then.”
“This is artefact grade. Heavily modified and…”
“This is my book, I know what it is and can do.”
“Look”, he said, “I want you to have this because you will need help with developing your Animus. I know Nat, her’s is strong and fierce, but she has a very…”, he hesitated looking for words, “… a very instinctive and impulsive approach to it.” That didn’t sound like a compliment. “I don’t think that approach will work for you.” He paused. “Maybe it does… But… I can’t risk it. Have you ever been outside Monasteria?”
“The city or the region?”
“The region.”
“It’s dangerous out there. We live in one of the church’s pet-projects and the city is well protected. But as you travel you will travel through places that aren’t or which will see you as a threat or even worse, as prey.” Walter put the screen back into its housing, closed the
e-book again and secured it. “You will need all the help you can get. If it is offered to you, take it. If you find it lying by the wayside, take it. If you have to wrench it from the cold dead hands of the past. Take it.” Walter’s hand was pressed hard enough against the book that it hardly moved when he shoved it closer to Cara. Cara, not knowing what else to do, ate another spoon full of her stew, not daring to take her eyes off Walter. She didn’t spill much.
Walter sighed, didn’t relax much, but took a step back. “In the end you are becoming a martial artist and this will contain you also becoming a warrior. You will need to grow, learn and adapt as you go, often under worst circumstances possible. That is also the Path. Write down what you learn. Put it there in your own words.” Walter nodded, more to himself than to Cara, “That’s how you earn that book, how you ‘pay’ for it. Write about your art, about your growth, about your path. Doing that, you’ll make that yours.”
The polite part of Cara wanted to decline. The part of Cara who dreamed of swords and adventure saw it as a great treasure.
“I will”, Cara said.
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