Chapter 12
“… and of course to Adrian, who brought us all together!” Cray toasted
the group with a plastic cup filled almost to the brim with champagne. Every
one cheered, crushing together their plastic cup spilling copious amounts of
their celebratory drink on the sand below. They did not see that as waste but
as a tribute to the beach which had welcomed them all, turning into their new
“To the Rock’n’Run tour!” exclaimed D.C. who was his alcohol fuelled
self at the moment. More cheers followed by more drinking. Sam picked the large
bottle resting beside her in the send in a crater filled with ice pouring out
another sloppy round. The all stood in a circle around a letter that they had
staked with a little tree branch to the ground.
“I am very sorry,” intoned Adrian in a voice mocking one of the managers
that had declined to give them a venue to play in. “you band sounds great! I
love it. Really I do. But right now, in this rather tense climate I have to
stick to the tried and true. I admit that we are here to push the music scene
forward. But you. How to put it. You are shoving it right through a wall. A lot
of walls really. I really hate to say this” Adrian’s voice was getting more
high pitched and whiny as he went on “but these are hard economic times. We can
take a few risks. But you’d be one risk to far.”
The group booed and hissed.
“And what do we say to mister manager?” Adrian asked.
“FUCK YOUUUUU!” the others exclaimed.
“And what did we tell him when he and his self-important friends said
when they came crawling back?”
“FUCK! YOU!” the others answered. “Oh and by the way!” said Cray “If you
really want us to reconsider. Write a letter of apology.” the others laughed
Kim added “And make it neat. Make us feel how sorry you are.” Sam continued
“And while you are at it, do add some champagne to sweeten it up a bit.” Darius
now continued the story “Once we get that, we will read it, check the bubblies
quality and then if you did well and are very, very luck you’ll be the one who
may open his doors when we feel like playing a concert indoors.” The others
jeered, drank the last of their drinks crumpling their glasses in their hands
throwing it at the letter in the middle.
By now they had a ‘Wall of Shame’ inside Jörmungandr, where they
collected all the letters of appology they had received so far. The one they
were celebrating now was the one that would close the last gap in the wall. The
next one had either to expand the Wall of Shame’s limits or had to be pinned on
top of the older ones.
“I think it’s time to chose one.” said Sam who had become comfortable
enough with the others to voice her opinions every once in a while. To her
great surprise this was always received well. This was in part because everyone
was pleasantly surprised when ever she made a suggestion but also because her
ideas were always good. Had anyone else told the band that it was time to get
into one of the ‘show cages’ there would have been some instant resistance. Now
though everyone went silent for a while taking a moment to think it through.
“I guess it’s about time.” said Kim.
“It would also be nice to make some money for a change.” said Darius.
“Not that I don’t love throwing Adrian’s seemingly endless cash out of the
window. Getting paid for ones work can be mighty satisfying though, especially when
with work you mean doing the thing you love most.”
“I’ve been making some calculations Adrian.” said Cray “And you’ve been
incredibly generous so far. Why if you are such a rich bastard haven’t you
bought your own island yet?”
“It’s not my money. We have a fan and a backer.” said Adrian.
“I forgot.” said Adrian in a joke only he got. “He insisted on remaining
anonymous. It’s all about the art for him. I do agree with Darius though,” he
said hoping that he could move the conversation into a more comfortable
direction. “it would be nice to get paid. Especially” he pointed at the letter
in the middle of them “from those fucks. It’s time for them to pay.” This lead
to a wave of agreement washing away any questions about their source of money.
At least for now.
They spent the next hour around the campfire working on a plan on how to
fleece the people that had rejected them for the maximum amount of money. They
set up a tour plan, starting in the smallest venues they could find. They had
enough fans by now to make sure that they’d be sold out every time in those
places. That would help with worth of mouth. Then one or two medium sized
shows, before going back to hit some clubs and larger bars aiming for the halls
for the end of the tour.
“And then?” asked D.C. he was lying back looking up into the star strewn
“Then its time for the album.” said Kim.
“A studio album?” Sam asked. She cast a dubious look at Kim.
“Of course a Studio album. What were you thinking of, a factory album?”
“We could make a life album first. We have been recording all our gigs
so far.”
“Sure thing sister, we can do that too. While the other one is being
produced and distributed we can put the life thing together. Turn it into a
tight one to combo.”
Sam looked uncomfortable.
“What’s the matter?” Kim asked.
“I don’t know. I don’t know if we should do a studio album. At all.”
“What? Why not?”
“Our music is alive. It moves on its own. It flows as we play. How are
you going to reduce that into a static thing?”
“Did you have a hippie for breakfast, sister? How the fuck will it
destroy out music?”
“It won’t be alive anymore.”
“In contrast to a life album?”
“That’s different. When it is a life recording it’s like a memory of a
living moment. Like a photograph of an everyday scene. But a studio album is a
construct. It’s so artificial.”
“I hope you disposed of the remains of that hippie somewhere where no
one will ever find him…”
“Sam,” said Darius “I know what you mean. You are not the first great
musician who thinks that way. I once was touring with that one dude. You know
the one, with the twelve string guitar, who thinks prog-rock is conservative
pop-pap for the lazy of mind? No? Anyone? Figures. He’s that kind of guy.
Whatever. So we are on tour with him. One smoke filled basement bar after the
other. He was totally radical about this. Even life albums where really hard to
make. He insisted on hiring what he called his ‘record ninjas’. These guys were
to set up the recording hardware and shit like that on the sly. If the dude
ever noticed anything that was it. No record. He said that even knowing or
suspecting that he was being recorded changed the way he played. So it had to
be super secret and suer high quality. Got to give it to his ninjas people he
never ever met in person, because, you know, he may start spotting them in the
audience, they managed to deliver enough material for an album once a year.”
Sam blinked a couple of time.
“Dude you might have forgotten to add a point to that story.” said Kim
with one eyebrow rising over her brow like a pompous sun.
“Oh? Yes. The point. Sam. Listen. You are right life music is like
nothing else especially if you have such talented people around you who are so
totally on your own wavelength. But you are standing before a truth that is
right there in front of you which you can’t see because you are so busy
describing it, that you just see the empty spaces around it.”
Sam eyes wide, brows high shook her head slowly.
“Studio albums are completely different to anything you’ve been doing so
far. Right?”
Sam nodded.
“Their qualities are different. They are build different. They are
layered in another way. Then there is all the mixing at the end.”
“I still don’t see your point…”
“It is a totally different beast. If you decide to go life only, fair
enough. But there is an entire world of music that you are ignoring. Think of
the possibilities!”
“mmm…” she grunted “I’m really not sure about this…”
“And that! Is the reason why you should do it. You are not sure if this
is the right thing. So don’t run away from it. Walk straight ahead into the
unknown. Explore the shit out if it. Until you grasp it, held firmly in your
hands. Then you can decide whether you want to keep it or cast it aside.”
“Listen to the man, sister!”
While Sam was still thinking it over Turner said: “Darius makes a really
good point. I’d like to do a studio album with you guys too. We’ll be able to
do some totally new things. Talking from experience once you’ve sat in the
studio playing around with your sounds you’ll come up with a ton of new ideas.
And the best part of it? That way we can simulate having two drummers like you.
A miracle!”
“I guess giving it a try won’t do any harm.”
D.C. and Cray who had been watching this in tense silence cheered
thanking Sam profusely.
The conversation spread over the entire group discussing the upcoming
tour, which songs to take for the life album and what crazy things they might
do for the studio one. D.C. and Cray were the most enthusiastic about working
in a studio with an infectious enthusiasm. Darius convinced them that they
could just go ahead and experiment with the small studio integrated in
Jörmungandr to see what they could come up with. Darius would work on
production. It would come out rough but it would be good enough as a proof of
concept. It might be decent enough that they could even try to make a demo tape
with their own equipment.
Turner was mostly exchanging vengeful booking plans with Kim. Sam mostly
meditated on the life stuff. Whenever she had a thought, the others listened.
When Sam voiced an opinion it was always wise to consider her words with care.
* * *
The studio had to wait as it turned out. Despite everyone agreeing that
some discs should see the light of day pretty soon, they hardly had any time to
even think about it. The official concert tour went better than expected. They
had a gig every other night. Things got massively out of hand when they had
confronted the police about their clandestine concerts publicly. It ended with
the cops having to go away grumbling, swearing to the band that they would have
enough hairy eyeballs on them to keep them warm through a long hard winter.
Lack of evidence. Lack of evidence that The Band With No Name had ever
committed any felony. There were a few reporters there when the confrontation
happened, so the next day they were in the local papers.
After that it was only the bigger venues that they could play in.
Everything else would cause a minor riot as people were crowding around little
bars and clubs, trying to find a way in. They even played a few extra gigs,
open air in the beginning to please the fans who’d not been able to see them
Darius worked on a system to have the speakers on Jörmungandr transmit
the sound from the stage they were playing on so that the people outside could
at least listen to the music.
While everyone in the Band would have loved to have CD out, with their
on the cover and their music pressed into the disk, it turned out to be low
priority for now. The internet was full of bootleg videos, MP3-playlists and
boatloads of covers from all over the world. They were not in what ever undead
remains there were of music television and having almost no presence on the
airwaves their music was spreading like wildfire. That the only stations that played
there songs were pirate stations playing their bootlegged music, somehow made
everything much more exiting.
There were not enough hours in the day to play all the concerts they
should be playing to please their fans.
* * *
“I swear to god that if we play one more fucking concert this week. No
fuck that, this year, I swear I am going the keel over and explode. All over
the place. And it won’t be pretty. Bone shrapnel shredding everything in a 30
yard radius.” Kim said. Face planted securely on the rough wooden bar table one
hand feebly holding on to a beer pitcher which she had declared her personal
“It’s December.” said D.C.
Well next year would be like in a few w…” D.C. trailed off noticing that
Kim had moved her head far enough to fire warning shots with her eyes right
through his soul.
“My point is. I need a fucking break.”
“Hear, hear.” said Cray his voice cracking.
“You young people.” Darius shook his head. “You have been hardly on tour
for a few months and in the same city, no less! Wailing like a bunch of
depressed banshees.”
Kim slowly turned her head around to cast another volley of death
bringing hate stares in Darius’s direction. While she looked like shit her eyes
still could convey a surprising amount of fury. “Gonna kill you. Then bring you
back ‘n kill you again.” Kim mumbled.
“This” continued Darius doing his best to ignore the angry zombie
bassist, “would be he perfect moment to look for a nice studio and do some
recording session. No tours. No travels. Just you guys and your music. Also
brainstorming. And lying on couches smoking reefers.”
All the eyes now crawled in their sockets to face Sam. She was sitting
in her chair, leaning back over the back rest her gaze directed at the ceiling.
No one knew if she was even still awake. With two jerking motions she sat her
self uptight…ish. “I knew you’d all be looking at me.” she said.
“So?” asked Cray.
“So, what?” asked Sam back.
“So, do you want to go into the studio?”
“Sure. Why not. Sounds like fun. Just roll me over my drums when it’s my
turn. OK?” she let her torso fall back again.
“Right, then!” Turner said with enough motivation in his voice to
instantly turn him into the most hated person at the table. “We only have two
concerts left to play. After that we are free. I have to admit that I was
hoping that we might so some kind of music retreat from December into January
at least, which would be great to make our first record.”
“How can you be so old and so energetic at the same time?” asked Cray.
“Back in my day everything was built to last. Including people.” Turner
grinned. “Now we just have the tiny little problem of getting a studio.
“I might be able to help you with that.” the voice had come from outside
the circle of light that encompassed them and their table. From the shadows a
man appeared that they had never seen before. “I am a great fan of yours. I’ve
been to most of your concerts and was just thinking about how great it would be
to do a record with you guys. And here you are thinking about the same thing.
Must be my lucky day.”
“Who the fuck are you?” asked Kim her eyes now slits oozing suspicion.
“My name is Ogden.”
Chapter 13
The King of the Cave
The studio was one large building. Carved into the stone and steel
remains of a sound stage abandoned decades ago by a film studio shredding its
own body to bits in its struggle to stay alive. The studio was long dead,
killed by a larger more predatory studio that had grafted what was left into
its own ever changing flesh.
Some years ago a man with a vision and a pocket full of green had come
and bought the hulk. He went inside with a crew of professionals. Clearing out
the innards, killing the bugs that had been its ruler for so long. They put in
new veins for water, electricity raw data.
While the building was freed of all that was rotten inside of it, the
engineer who had bought it looked for things to save. There were many things
that had defied time. He explained to them men helping him that the soul of the
old sound stage still lingered within this artifacts. It was important to keep
them, repair them, make them the central pieces around which the new studio
would grow. That way the bits of soul would merge with the spirit of the new
machines, reigniting, infusing the building once again with its power.
The men laughed. At first. However as the reconstruction was almost
done, even they who had become hardened to the whispers of moribund buildings,
felt the spirit of the glorious past. It smelled like an old building. It was
filled with a golden hued light that was warmer than that outside. The presence
of the great actor-heroes of legend could be felt in many places. No one could
stay within its walls for long without being filled by a longing to create
something new, something extraordinary.
From outside it looked like a large storage hall that was there to be
walls and ceiling to a stuff that needed shelter from nature. It was evident
that it was an old structure, it’s curved metal roof was corrugated, the walls
were riddled with cracks, the grey paint flaking from the concrete. It smelt of
dry dry sun bleached dust.
“This is your studio?” Turner asked Ogden.
“No. Not mine. I’m just the guy who makes things happen. An ambassador
of sorts. I walk between the worlds of the city bringing the right people
together. This studio belongs to a man named Bryce. He is to be frank nuts. But
his lunacy is focused into an obsession with sound. Should you get along with
him he will open sonic realms to you that you had no idea existed.”
“Uh huh.” said Turner. The others looked mostly puzzled. Only Cray
seemed to be perfectly calm. After all he was the man who had built himself a
house inside a warehouse filled with the remains of dead machines.
“Lead the way.” said turner.
The passed through the large metal double door into a small room. Badly
lit containing only underwhelmed people and another set of double doors.
“What are we waiting for?” asked Kim as they stood waiting behind Ogden
who just stood in front of the inner doors.
“These do not open until the outer doors are closed.”
“Like in an air-lock?” asked Cray.
“Like in an air-lock. Only this ones not for air.”
“What’s it for then?”
“What’s the fucking dif…” Kim had started, she was interrupted by the
clang of the doors behind her falling shut. In front of them the other double
doors swung open filling the air with light, giving way to a view of the actual
lobby. The room was three stories of art deco opulence. Starting with the
marble floor, flowing up the red carpeted stairs with their golden railings up
to the curved cobalt blue ceiling held in place by six slender chrome pillars
in form of female angels stretching towards heaven. Artificial daylight the
cTurolour of honey poured from arc lights integrated into gargoyles nesting in
the space where the walls turned into the ceiling as well as from vases held by
ivy clad statues placed at the edge of a balcony circling the room at half
“Oh…” said Kim.
“I’d call the guy who’S responsible for this crazy, but I’m far to
impressed for that.” said D.C.
“There is a certain magic to it, isn’t it?” said Ogden. “Bryce says that
it is important to set the scene immediately. Once you step in the spirit of
this place has to roll over you like a wave and not let you up anymore until
you are outside again.”
Turner had expected to see Bryce as they entered, somewhere up on the
balcony to welcome them with arms wide. Maybe a cape would be involved. The
lobby it seemed had to suffice as a welcome. Turner was tempted to say that
indeed it was.
They followed Ogden deeper into the building that stayed in character
down to the last detail. Everything the saw looked like it had been preserved
since the 1930s. The carpets, the wood panelling or the doors with frosted
glass windows with things like ‘Studio A’ or ‘Server Room’ stencilled onto
them. Seeing the latter Sam commented how she’d expect a room full of butlers
behind that door.
Ogden led them through the corridors, the band having the feeling that
they were by mere chance walking through the studio in a quiet moment. They
could almost feel the other people who had to work here hurrying from one room
to the next just beyond earshot. Despite being empty and silent, the place was
filled with a feeling of urgency.
They stopped in front of a door at the end of a corridor. The letters on
its window reading:
General Director
Ogden knocked.
“Come in!”
The details of the picture in front of them are all perfect, like
everything else in this place. The composition however is slightly off. The
office is an impressive fossil from a time where any executive worth his salt
throned behind a massive mahogany desk spacious enough to house a family of
dwarves, the walls were not papered instead were covered with book shelves and
contained a small well stocked bar in one corner. The man sitting behind the
desk somewhere in the middle of his journey from his own 30s to his 40s was
wearing a white shirt with rolled up selves, a waist coat and what seemed to be
a computer stylus behind one ear. He was a picture perfect accountant, who was
sitting in his bosses, bosses, bosses chair. He was reading a large leather
bound ledger as they entered the room which also seemed a bit off.
“Oh, hi!” the man behind the desk said. The atmosphere held. “I’ve been
looking forward to finally meeting you.” his clothes were wrong and his words
not as meticulously selected as his surroundings but there was a beaming
enthusiasm radiating from him that held it all together. “I still can’t quite
believe it. When Ogden told me that he had found you and that he had talked you
into coming into my studio I thought he was shitting me. But here you are! My
name is Bryce by the way and I am really, truly happy to meet you.” He got up
closed the ledger, leaving it on the table to greet everyone individually.
After the introductions were done Bryce gave the a short tour of the
studio. Beyond the lobby were three big studios. One just one big room with
enough space to accommodate an entire orchestra, one that was isolated cabins
surrounding a central mixing room and the last one a bit of both.
“As you can see, I’ve got recoding facilities for every occasion here
and plenty of room to make it work.”
“How often do you record anyway?” asked D.C.
“About ten to twenty times a year. It depends.”
“That’s not all to often.”
“I’m very selective.” Bryce shrugged. “The recording has to be worth my
“And what do you do the rest of the time?” asked Kim.
“Rest of the time I’m in one of the sound labs, working.”
“It’s were I work on making the studio better. What do you play?”
Bryce thought about that for a moment nodding to himself. “Right.” he
said, “Bass. That’s something I’ve put some work into. I’ve been implementing
some clever techniques developed by a German sound sage that will help
immensely with your sound when working on an album. Come. I’ll show you.”
He led them into square room filled with two rows of bass amps, one in
the front of the rooms one in the back. In the middle stood a lone 4-string
electric bass in a stand.
“Take it. Play some notes. Tell me what you think.” Bryce said to Kim.
She took the instrument turned up the volume and played some notes.
“Whoa!” was her first reaction. Apart from her only Sam and Darius seemed to be
as impressed as she was. Kim played another rumbling deep note letting it hang
in the room for a good long while before muting it. “Mother. Fucker.”
“It’s fucking brilliant.” Bryce grined, “Isn’t it?”
“That was some impressive down tuned bassage” Turner said, “but I have
to admit that I’m not quite getting it.” Turner said.
“In a small room like this” Kim said “with speaker set up like that
you’d get some really horrible resonance going playing a deep note.” she
caressed a bone stirring note out of the bass “But here you just hear the one
clear sound. There is no droneing, no reverb, no nothing. Fuck. Me. Adiran this
is fucking witchcraft.”
“Nope just a bit of clever science. When you play the note the speakers
in front of you fire. With loads of power and volume. The note travels through
the room and by the time they reach the wall and would bounce back and cause
all kind of shit. The rear row fires an inverted sound eliminating the note
before it can start its return trip. It’s like there never was a back wall at
all. This is about the crispest bass sound you’ll ever get and you can do it
pretty much in everywhere.”
“Would you mind if I borrow this room for a while?” asked Kim.
“No not at all. I’d love to put the system through its paces. Feedback
from a professional would be great.” Bryce beamed, “See. It’s stuff like that.
In my labs I implement ideas be them from others or myself, try to work on
mixing them together or work on evolving new stuff. My pet project right now is
on a mic set-up that’ll catch the feeling of a live concert, you know? All
those albums you always hear, they sound great and all, but they never carry
the feeling, right? Mostly because these recordings just pick up the signal
from the instruments. And that. That is shit. You have to place a mic or
several right smack in the middle of the room so that it’ll sound like the real
thing. It works pretty well already but I’m not happy with the quality right
“You have some live recordings like that already?” asked D.C.
“Sure thing.”
“Well I’d love to listen to them.”
“Me too.” said Sam who had lost her usual shell of neutrality to a
sudden rush of excitement.
No ten minutes later D.C. and Sam were listening to a live concert over
headphones. Cray was distracted by the massive sound library, tweaking sounds
on the monstrous child of a church organ and and a server farm.
Leaving Turner alone with Bryce and Ogden.
“Looks like I’m not needed here anymore for the time being.” said Ogden
“I’ll leave you here to talk hings through. Just give me a call when you are
done here.” he exchanged some chit chat with Bryce before saying his goodbyes
and leaving.
“I have to admit that I am quite impressed by your work here.” Turner
“Thank you.”
“Working with you would be great. We are actually still exploring our
music, still looking for a new ways to go. Finding out own sound. That sort of
After a short pause Bryce answered: “Well, I’d be glad to help you with
that. The way your team behaves I think that we will be able to do some first
class work here.”
“I agree. There are however some things we should clear up before we get
“Such as?”
“Payment? You have a fabulous studio, which must cost a fabulous amount
of dough to keep running.”
“Don’t worry about it.” said Bryce waving his hand.
“I don’t. I just want to know what your rates are, see how long we are
probably going to stay. Basic stuff.
Negotiate a good price.”
Bryce now was grinning broadly again. “As I said you needn’t worry. Your
expenses are already covered. We can concentrate on the important thing now the
sound of your music.”
“All covered?”
“Pretty much.”
“Who paid? Ogden?”
“No. Not
him. He is one of the best agents in these parts of the world so he has some
powerful investors backing him up.” as Bryce said that a shiver ran down
Turner’s spine. It reminded him of his own anonymous investor. The idea of
having another force like that acting in the background scared him.
The next few weeks fast forwarded past the band as they gave concerts in
every kind of venue to find the best possible live sound using Bryce’s magic
mic set-up. After every concert they gave Ogden organised a large feast to
celebrate every step they took towards their first album. This peaked in a
great celebration in a small sea side restaurant that their new agent had
rented out for an entire night where they got to fight over the songs they
would include on the CD. as they were moving closer to desert and mass murder
Turner decided that it would be probably a good idea to make it a two disk
project which defused the situation.
Long past midnight they had put all disagreements to rest, drinking
champagne singing their favourite songs together peace thoroughly restored. It
was then in small hours before the first exploratory rays of light clearing the
way for the morning sun appeared in the sky that they agreed that it was time
to finally go and hunt down the elephant that had been squatting in the room
for some time.
It was time
to record a proper studio album.
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